Estate plan can be kept digitally today

On Behalf of | Dec 11, 2015 | Wills

People in Maryland generally do not like to talk about death; however, it is something that is critical to plan for both for oneself and for those whom one leaves behind. Estate planning today primarily involves considering who will get one’s worldly possessions when one dies. However, creating an estate plan also involves planning for what will happen to one’s digital legacies.

Thanks to modern technology, people today can create digital records of their wills and health care directives. They can also easily develop records of plans for a pet, funeral wishes, family pictures an even a loved one’s recipes. Information that one wants included in one’s obituary and even desires for one’s social media page may also be included in this digital record.

Creating a digital repository is a helpful way to not only communicate one’s desires but also to get all essential documents and information together in one place. This information will be needed by family members in the event of an emergency, such as a medical emergency or even a death. People may decide to designate who they desire to see particular details and whether certain information should be shared now or after they have died.

Planning for the end of one’s life can seem overwhelming in Maryland. This is especially the case for those who have high-value assets such as businesses and wonder what will become of their companies when they pass away. Proper legal guidance may help people to create the appropriate legal documents and other important parts of an estate plan in an efficient and comprehensive way.

Source: U.S. News & World Report, “Passwords and Powers of Attorney: Your Digital Estate Planning Options”, Teresa Mears, Dec. 3, 2015


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