If you’ve already lived beyond your third or fourth decade, you’ve likely established a firm set of beliefs and convictions that will continue to be important to you as you grow older. These issues may include spiritual topics, physical health, or those that concern finances. You have every right to execute a written long-term plan that expressly states your wishes and instructions regarding such matters so your loved ones, doctors and others will know how to care for you if you’re unable to care for yourself.
It’s sometimes difficult to broach such topics with loved ones, especially if you find discussions regarding your own mortality a bit awkward. However, Maryland residents who understand the importance of clarification when it comes to final wills and testaments and advance care directives know how helpful it can be to talk things over ahead of time with immediate family members or any other party who may be named in a will or long-term care plan.
Things to consider when formulating a plan
There are many resources and support networks available to help you execute a thorough and solid long-term care plan. Asking yourself the following questions to start can also help you gather your thoughts and make informed decisions:
- What are my concerns and values regarding end-of-life measures?
- Is there any type of care I don’t want if a life-or-death situation occurs and I’m unable to speak on my own behalf?
- Whom do I trust to make medical decisions for me in such situations?
- Is this the same person (or is there someone else) to whom I would give power of authority over my finances?
- Is there anything regarding my burial that I want my family members to know and carry out on my behalf?
These are certainly not the only pertinent questions to ask when considering long-term care and how you might want to arrange your plan; however, this list of questions provides good starting points for conversation. No plan is set in stone; so, if you put something in writing and later decide to change it, you may do so. Many Maryland residents reach out for estate planning help to guide them through the process.
Your long-term care plan is personal and easily customizable to suit your own immediate needs and future goals. Whether you have decades of living ahead of you or are already aware of a chronic adverse health condition, you can take control of your situation (and of the future, per se). Allowing an estate-planning attorney to help you design well-written documents to let those you love know what you prefer and how you wish to be cared for if you are unable to care for yourself can some peace of mind.