How Secure Is Your Legacy?
Wondering about the benefits of an estate plan? Want to know how we can help you get peace of mind and protect and preserve assets for loved ones?
The Law Office of Morrison & McGrew, P.A., can create the legal vehicles necessary to document your wishes and give you peace of mind. Whether your assets are large or small, you can rest easier after talking with us. You will have the comfort of knowing that everything is properly documented and that your loved ones — or court-appointed representatives — do not have to guess about your wishes.
We create personalized solutions designed to preserve your assets, provide for your loved ones and achieve your goals.
Advice And Services For Every Stage Of Life
Our firm provides advice and services to people at every stage of life in matters involving:
- Testamentary wills — drafting and amending wills that enable our clients to provide for their loved ones and honor their wishes
- Revocable and irrevocable trusts — creation of all types of trusts, including special needs trusts, testamentary trusts, living trusts and charitable trusts
- Powers of attorney — drafting of financial powers of attorney, health care powers of attorney (sometimes known as “health care directives”) and special powers of attorney
- “Living” wills — unlike testamentary wills, living wills help determine how decisions regarding end-of-life medical care will be handled
- Probate — providing efficient and cost-effective estate administration services
- Elder law and long-term care planning — helping people obtain nursing home care while still preserving their assets and not jeopardizing eligibility for government benefits
Our Maryland estate planning attorneys help young people create wills that name a guardian for their children and provide for the distribution of their assets in the event of a premature death. We help people in midlife care for elderly parents. We are committed to serving seniors by providing services that help them enjoy their later years.
Schedule A Free Consultation. Free Parking Available.
For more information and a free consultation with a Maryland legal will attorney at The Law Office of Morrison & McGrew, P.A., call 301-732-7669 or contact us online.
We have offices in Frederick , Maryland, to serve you. Evening, weekend and off-site appointments are available upon request.