Helping Loved Ones In Need Through Guardianships

When a person can no longer make decisions about personal care or financial matters, the court can create a guardianship. This legal vehicle empowers a person or group of persons to make these decisions for the person (called the ward).

At The Law Office of Morrison & McGrew, P.A., we have helped many people establish guardianships for loved ones. We understand the potential benefits of guardianships, their limitations and their drawbacks and can advise you.

What A Guardianship Can Do

There are two types of guardianships:

  • Guardianship of the person — giving the guardian control over health care, living arrangements and personal needs
  • Guardianship of the property — giving the guardian control over the ward’s assets

After reviewing your options, our firm can take action to achieve your goals. If you decide to seek a guardianship of an adult family member, we can prepare the petition and supporting documentation and represent you in court. We can also prepare the necessary annual reports to the court.

Alternatives To A Guardianship

A guardianship entails legal expenses — at its creation and for the necessary annual accountings demanded by the court. In practical terms, the management of a guardianship can be somewhat inconvenient, particularly if there are co-guardians who must both sign off whenever a decision needs to be made.

A durable power of attorney or health care power of attorney can largely accomplish the same goals, without the cost and inconvenience of a guardianship. Other, less restrictive alternatives to guardianship are representative payees, trusts and health care proxies. Each of these options may avoid or delay the need for a guardian.

A lawyer at our firm can review your situation and recommend the solution that is right for you.

Free Consultation With A Lawyer

For more information and a free consultation with The Law Office of Morrison & McGrew, P.A., call us at 301-732-7669 or contact us online.

We have offices in Frederick , Maryland, to serve you. Evening, weekend and off-site appointments are available upon request.